Practical skills training focusing on:

1. Guiding Lights

Beliefs to help us navigate support

2. Keeping People Safe

Building confidence by knowing how to
keep each other safe from harm.

3. Supportive Conversations

Nurturing our natural ability to invite each
other to share feelings.

4. Supporting Together

Training together to feel capable
supporting each other in our own ways.

🍂 This grassroots programme was created by Ōpōtiki whānau and community alongside CoLiberate.


🌿  You don’t have to have any prior experience – you’re just someone who wants to learn how to notice the signs and signals that someone might be struggling, and what you can do to support.


1 Day Skills Training
In-person in Ōpōtiki
9am – 5pm
Free [equipment + lunch provided]

Training Dates

Thursday 22nd Aug

Friday 23rd Aug

Wednesday 28th Aug

Thursday 29th Aug

Friday 30th Aug

Pick a date and fill out the form below to sign up

    Meet the team

    Parehuia Mafi


    George Johnston


    Joana Simmons


    Vickee Aitken


    Bop Murdoch

    Project Lead

    Ash Holwell

    Project Designer

    Ngā Whetū Mārama Mahi Toi By Tutangiora Mafi & Ash Holwell 

    Ngā Whetū Mārama Mahi Toi - two taniwha in a circle on a back ground of organse and dark blue