Welcome to CoLiberate.

Mental Health First Response Skills Training for your Workplace.


Effective Delivery

Our team of facilitators are highly skilled in delivering our trainings In-Person and to Remote-based teams.


Our Vision...

To enable people with Mental Health support and effective response capability! We want people to be better supported - and feel confident giving support. Are you with us?

It’s the little 

CONVOS that make

the biggest difference.

drawing of two people

We’re here to have an impact.

We want every single person in Aotearoa to have a trusted someone who can notice when they are not doing okay, and can reach out to help them connect with the right supports.

We’re on our way there!

We care about you having the skills, tools and confidence to initiate conversations with the people you’re worried about in your life.

Based on our most recent Impact Survey of all the people trained, it is estimated that as a First Responder, you will have 3 critical supportive conversations every week. This means you will contribute towards over 600,000 supportive conversations that are happening collectively every single year.

We know that some of these conversations have significantly improved lives and some have even saved lives.

Are you with us?


First Responders Trained


First Responders Trained


Organisations with Mental Health Response Capability


people have been funded to do this training


of people report having an increase in confidence to support others post-training.

For Organisations.

Mental Health First Response Skills Training

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Mental Health First Response Recertification

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Empathetic Leadership Training

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Men enjoy a mental health training course

Some of our amazing clients.

Blue and green text saying NZ Transport Agency with a wavey logo
Green logo text that says "Russell McVeagh"
Purple text sayng teachers council of Aotearoa New Zealand
Blue text "Ministry of Social Development"
red line toward the letter R with the text "Rocket lab"rate

For Individuals.

Mental Health First Response Skills Training

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a person sits listening to a conversation on a training course